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Common Questions

How do I know VR fits our business?

Our VR experiences are adapted for elderly care as well as for people with special needs and are highly appreciated. If you work in care and care and want to be able to offer your care recipients meaningful and engaging activities, then you've come to the right place.

Can I try the glasses before buying?

Of course! Please contact us or schedule a demo meeting right away and we'll arrange it.

What makes Virotea's services unique?

The simplicity! It's pretty much just a push of a button to get started. In other words, you do not need to have any technical training or previous experience with VR to be able to use our services.

How fast are the VR services delivered?

We offer fast delivery on the VR services. Both the VR training and the VR experiences are delivered within 2-4 days depending on, among other things, the size of the order. 

How do I start an experience?

Turn on the VR glasses by pressing the power button. Then log in and choose an experience. Clear!

What is the difference between ViroteaVR, ViroteaGO and ViroteaED?

ViroteaVR is welfare technology aimed at special accommodation, daily activities, dementia accommodation and other forms of accommodation within elderly care and LSS and can be advantageously used as a group activity.


ViroteaGO is welfare technology aimed at businesses that provide home care or personal assistance. This service is perfect for caregivers who have limited time with each care recipient.


ViroteaED is a tool for competence development for people who work in care and social care, for example care assistants in LSS or elderly care. The purpose of the tool is for the staff to experience the world from someone else's perspective and see how small mistakes in a treatment can have enormous proportions.

How do you change the picture or film in the glasses?

Using the media library in the included tablet, you can easily change experiences and activities to be displayed in Virtual Reality.

How often does the software need to be updated?

For ViroteaVR and ViroteaGO, all updates take place automatically. However, this assumes that the glasses are connected to WIFI. For ViroteaED, a button appears in the left menu when a new update is available.

For which areas of care are the courses in ViroteaED suitable?

ViroteaED is an empathy-enhancing education system that helps healthcare professionals gain a better understanding of what it's like to live with cognitive impairment, such as autism or dementia.

What does it cost?

The price of our VR services is based on an annual subscription.Contact Us if you want to know more.

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